WildJar and Segment Integration

Power up your first party data by connecting WildJar phone calls to your customers unique Segment ID.
The WildJar Segment integration is super powerful and will empower your team with even better first party data.

When a user visits your website or app, WildJar will collect and store the unique Segment ID for that user.

As soon as the user turns into a caller, WildJar will attach the session data along with the Segment ID to the customer and connect this digital journey to their offline phone call.

This data can then be immediately sent into your Segment account, allowing you to add rules, workflows and journeys off the back of this data.

The integration requires 2 steps:

1. WildJar support will need to activate the Segment webhook (please reach out :) )
2. Within Segment, you can map and create journeys on what will happen when this data arrives.

Reach out to the WildJar pack today to ask about sending your phone calls into Segment Inbox.


Benefits of Microsoft Search Advertising Integration
Collect Segment ID and attribute to phone calls
Benefits of Microsoft Search Advertising Integration
Trigger marketing rules in Segment based on these phone calls
Benefits of Microsoft Search Advertising Integration
Connect and power up your CDP with rich first party data.
Benefits of Microsoft Search Advertising Integration
Design cross channel journeys and improve customer experience.

WildJar's call tracking integration into Segment allows you to create powerful journeys to improve customer experiences.

Integrate with your favourite marketing platforms